Friday, April 8, 2011

Flight Plans to Australia

Dear Family,
Just writing to let you know that we got our travel plans today.  We were all super stoked.  This is the plan.

Airline      Flight     Depart Arrive     Time Dep   Arrive            Date
United      6260       SLC      LAX       3:16pm      4:14pm          APR 18 2011

Qantas      12          LAX    Sydney    10:30pm     6:30am          APR 20 2011

Qant       741          SYD    Adelaide   9:45am      1 1:25am        APR 20 2011

So pretty much the 19th of April 2011 will never happen in my life, it will be interesting to write about it in my journal. 

I love you guys.  Thanks for the package, I got it.

Love Elder Hyde

1 comment:

  1. The day has come and he will be flying to another country.
